Screening for Helicobacter pylori to Prevent Gastric Cancer—Reply
In Reply In response to the Letters regarding our recent article, we agree with Dr Shiratori and colleagues that our study requires a longer follow-up period, as was also noted by Drs Kumar and Bretthauer and by Dr Liu and colleagues. In our pragmatic trial, factors such as nonadherence to invitation, difference in participant characteristics, and limited treatment uptake have attenuated the potential benefits observed in earlier trials. To address this, we have provided the cumulative curve as requested and included a future projection based on the observed trends (Figure). In our trial, a nonsignificant 14% risk reduction was observed in 2020. However, with an extended follow-up to 2023, a significant 21% reduction would be expected after projection.
In Reply In response to the Letters regarding our recent article, we agree with Dr Shiratori and colleagues that our study requires a longer follow-up period, as was also noted by Drs Kumar and Bretthauer and by Dr Liu and colleagues. In our pragmatic trial, factors such as nonadherence to invitation, difference in participant characteristics, and limited treatment uptake have attenuated the potential benefits observed in earlier trials. To address this, we have provided the cumulative curve as requested and included a future projection based on the observed trends (Figure). In our trial, a nonsignificant 14% risk reduction was observed in 2020. However, with an extended follow-up to 2023, a significant 21% reduction would be expected after projection.