The Lancet

[Articles] Trends in the global, regional, and national...

The minor changes in the burden of oral conditions over the past 30 years demons...

[Articles] Direct oral anticoagulants versus no anticoa...

DOACs effectively prevent ischaemic strokes in survivors of intracerebral haemor...

[Correspondence] Unjustified silence in the face of thi...

Since Jan 23, 2025, the rebel March 23 Movement (M23), with the support of Rwand...

[Comment] Breaking dependency: strengthening the global...

As World Tuberculosis Day on March 24, 2025, approaches, global health authoriti...

[Comment] Towards definitive evidence about anticoagula...

Oral anticoagulation is the most effective intervention for the prevention of is...

[Comment] Age of distrust: impact of hegemonic policy d...

Trust is an implicit cornerstone of global health. Trust between nations, organi...

[Correspondence] USAID programme suspension in Nigeria:...

On Jan 24, 2025, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID),...

[Articles] A five-drug class model using routinely avai...

We have developed a five-drug class model that uses routine clinical data to ide...

[Comment] Personalised type 2 diabetes therapy in prima...

The prevalence of type 2 diabetes is rising globally, with a disproportionate im...

[Comment] 20th anniversary of the WHO Framework Convent...

Feb 27, 2025, marks the 20th anniversary of the WHO Framework Convention on Toba...

[Clinical Picture] Feeding dystonia, chorea, psychosis,...

A 34-year-old woman with a 2-year history of progressively worsening difficultie...

[Comment] Retraction and republication—Feeding dystonia...

The Lancet has discovered that our editorial policies prior to the publication o...

[Correspondence] Syria's health crisis transition: chal...

Syria's health-care system has undergone profound upheaval over the past decade,...

[Correspondence] The urgent need to protect WHO is also...

The recently re-elected President of the USA's decision to withdraw the USA from...

[Correspondence] LGBTQ+ rights and health: a shifting l...

In January, 2025, several executive orders were issued limiting federal funding ...

[Comment] Identifying key randomised clinical trials th...

Clinical trials have been pivotal to the improvements in public health and clini...

[Comment] The Lancet Commission on Transforming Primary...

Primary health care (PHC) was established as a global priority in the 1978 Alma-...

[Essay] My dying student

As a doctor for almost 40 years now, and especially as a geriatrician, I have ca...

[Series] The humanitarian system is not just broke, but...

An unprecedented number of humanitarian emergencies of large magnitude and durat...

[Review] Current approach of the axilla in patients wit...

The surgical approach of the axilla in patients with early-stage breast cancer h...

[Correspondence] The truth about PHEICs

The recent decision by the WHO Director-General that the Ebola virus outbreak in...

[Correspondence] Tracking COVID-19 responsibly

As of March 25, 2020, WHO's online coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) situation...

[Comment] Mexico's bold new law on adequate and sustain...

In an era where food systems globally face unprecedented challenges due to their...

[Correspondence] The UK must help end the global tobacc...

Although smoking rates have declined in high-income countries over the past two ...

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