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FeedquiK delivers content from top global sources, including:
Agriculture and Farming: (General term - content likely sourced from multiple sites)
Agriculture and Food News -- ScienceDaily: sciencedaily.com/news/plants_animals/agriculture_and_food/
CropLife: croplife.com
Farming Today: bbc.co.uk/programmes/b006qj6t
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture: onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10970010
Modern Farmer: modernfarmer.com
National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition: sustainableagriculture.net
ScienceDirect Publication: Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment: sciencedirect.com/journal/agriculture-ecosystems-and-environment
Autoblog: autoblog.com
Autocar: autocar.co.uk
Automotive News: autonews.com
Automotive World: automotiveworld.com
Autos: (General term - content likely sourced from multiple sites)
Electric Cars Report: electriccarsreport.com
Jalopnik: jalopnik.com
Latest Car Dealer news, Franchised Car Dealer Industry News | Automotive News | AM-online: am-online.com
Speedhunters: speedhunters.com
The Truth About Cars: thetruthaboutcars.com
Beauty – WWD: wwd.com/beauty-news/
Beauty Independent: beautyindependent.com
BEAUTYSTREAMS: beautystreams.com
Global Cosmetics News: globalcosmeticsnews.com
Premium Beauty News: premiumbeautynews.com
All Stories: (Generic - needs more specific URL)
BioPharma Dive: biopharmadive.com
Breaking World Pharma News: (General term - content likely sourced from multiple sites)
Drugs.com - Clinical Trials: drugs.com/clinical_trials.html
Drugs.com - FDA MedWatch Alerts: drugs.com/medwatch.html
Drugs.com - New Drug Approvals: drugs.com/newdrugs.html
Drugs.com - Pharma Industry News: drugs.com/news/
FDA Press Releases RSS Feed: (Link to FDA RSS feed)
Federal Register: Food and Drug Administration: federalregister.gov/agencies/food-and-drug-administration
News and press releases: (Generic - needs more specific URL)
Pharmaceuticals news and pharmaceutical industry analysis - FT.com: ft.com/pharmaceuticals
PharmaTimes World News: pharmatimes.com/news
Stat: statnews.com
What's new: (Generic - needs more specific URL)
Breaking Defense: breakingdefense.com
DefenceTalk: defensetalk.com
Defense One: defenseone.com
Military Space News, Nuclear Weapons, Missile Defense: (General term - content likely sourced from multiple sites)
NATO Latest News: nato.int/cps/en/natohq/news.htm
The Aviationist: theaviationist.com
War is Boring: warisboring.com
War on the Rocks: warontherocks.com
Energy & Water:
Advanced Energy Materials: onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/16146840
CleanTechnica: cleantechnica.com
Energy | FT: ft.com/energy
Energy | The Guardian: theguardian.com/environment/energy
EnergyTrend: energytrend.com
Nature Energy: nature.com/nenergy/
NYT > Energy & Environment: nytimes.com/section/climate
PV-Tech: pv-tech.org
RSC - Energy Environ. Sci. latest articles: pubs.rsc.org/en/journals/journalissues/ee
ScienceDirect Publication: Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells: sciencedirect.com/journal/solar-energy-materials-and-solar-cells
ScienceDirect Publication: Water Research: sciencedirect.com/journal/water-research
Utility Dive: utilitydive.com
Water Resources Research: agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/19447973
Drapers: drapers.co.uk
fashionunited.com: fashionunited.com
Free Textile and Fashion Industry News RSS XML Feeds - Fibre2fashion: fibre2fashion.com
News - FashionNetwork.com USA: us.fashionnetwork.com/news
The Business of Fashion: businessoffashion.com
Vogue Business: voguebusiness.com
Food & Beverage:
Beverage Industry: beverageindustry.com
BeverageDaily: beveragedaily.com
BevNET.com: bevnet.com
Food & drink industry | The Guardian: theguardian.com/food+drink
Food Business News: foodbusinessnews.net
Food Dive: fooddive.com
Food Industry Executive: foodindustryexecutive.com
FoodManufacture RSS: (Link to FoodManufacture RSS feed if possible)
Just Drinks: just-drinks.com
Just Food: just-food.com
The Drinks Business: thedrinksbusiness.com
Wine Enthusiast Magazine: winemag.com
Becker's Hospital Review: beckershospitalreview.com
Forbes - Pharma & Healthcare: forbes.com/sites/matthewherper
Health Care: (General term - content likely sourced from multiple sites)
Healthcare Economist: healthcare-economist.com
Kaiser Health News: khn.org
News from healthcareitnews.com: healthcareitnews.com
NIH News Releases: nih.gov/news-events/news-releases
NYT > Health: nytimes.com/section/health
The Health Care Blog: thehealthcareblog.com
ABA Journal Top Stories: abajournal.com
Above the Law: abovethelaw.com
Balkinization: balkin.blogspot.com
Lawyerist: lawyerist.com
Legal Theory Blog: legaltheoryblog.com
Michael Geist: michaelgeist.ca
SCOTUSblog: scotusblog.com
The Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation: corpgov.law.harvard.edu
CPP-LUXURY: cpp-luxury.com
Haute Living: hauteliving.com
LUXUO Luxury Blog: luxuo.com
Luxury 360: (General term - content likely sourced from multiple sites)
Luxury Daily: luxurydaily.com
3D Printing Industry: 3dprintingindustry.com
Additive Manufacturing (AM): additivemanufacturing.media
Fabricating and Metalworking: fabweld.com
Manufacturing & Logistics IT Magazine RSS Feed: (Link to Magazine's RSS feed if possible)
Manufacturing Business Technology All: mbtmag.com
Manufacturing News - Manufacturing News Headlines | Bizjournals.com: (Link to Bizjournals.com manufacturing news section if possible)
TCT Magazine: tctmagazine.com
Medical Devices:
MDDI Online RSS Feeds: (Link to MDDI Online RSS feed if possible)
Med-Tech Innovation: med-techinnovation.com
MedCity News » medical devices: medcitynews.com/category/medical-devices/
MedTech Dive: medtechdive.com
MedTech Intelligence: medtechintelligence.com
Verdict Medical Devices: verdictmedicaldevices.com
Global Mining Review: globalminingreview.com
Mining: (General term - content likely sourced from multiple sites)
Mining Technology: mining-technology.com
Mining Weekly: miningweekly.com
miningnews: miningnews.net
The Northern Miner: northernminer.com
Real Estate:
GeekEstate Blog: geekestate.com
Homes of the Rich: homesoftherich.net
Inman News: inman.com
NYT > Real Estate: nytimes.com/section/real-estate
Real Estate: (General term - content likely sourced from multiple sites)
realtor.com® news: realtor.com/news
Redfin Real Estate Blog: redfin.com/blog
Residential Real Estate News - Residential Real Estate News Headlines | Bizjournals.com: (Link to Bizjournals.com real estate news section if possible)
The BiggerPockets Blog: biggerpockets.com/blog
Chain Store Age: chainstoreage.com
Forbes - Retail: forbes.com/retail
Latest Media: (General term - content likely sourced from multiple sites)
Retail: (General term - content likely sourced from multiple sites)
Retail & Consumer: (General term - content likely sourced from multiple sites)
Retail Design Blog: retaildesignblog.net
Retail Dive: retaildive.com
Retail Gazette: retailgazette.co.uk
Retail Times: retailtimes.co.uk
RetailWire: retailwire.com
Science Journals:
Advanced Healthcare Materials: onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/21922659
Chemical & Engineering News: cen.acs.org
JAMA Current Issue: jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/currentissue
Latest News from Science Magazine: sciencemag.org/news
Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily: sciencedaily.com/news/
Nature: nature.com
PLOS Biology: journals.plos.org/plosbiology/
The Lancet: thelancet.com
Transport & Logistics:
Journal of Commerce: joc.com
Latest Posts - Supply Chain 24/7: supplychain247.com
Logistics Viewpoints: logisticsviewpoints.com
Railway Gazette: railwaygazette.com
Railway Pro Communication Platform: railwaypro.com
Railway Technology: railway-technology.com
Supply Chain Dive: supplychaindive.com
The Loadstar: theloadstar.com
Transportation news - FreightWaves: freightwaves.com/news
Warehouse & Logistics News: warehouse-logistics.com
Travel & Hospitality:
4Hoteliers.com Top News Headlines: 4hoteliers.com
Breaking Travel News: breakingtravelnews.com
Business Traveller RSS: (Link to Business Traveller RSS feed if possible)
Hospitality Net: hospitalitynet.org
Hospitality Trends: hospitalitytrends.com
Hotel News Resource: hotelnewsresource.com
Skift: skift.com
View from the Wing: viewfromthewing.com
...and many more respected outlets.
Email: hey@FeedquiK.com