Science Journals

Nicotine Pouches in Need of FDA Regulation

This JAMA Viewpoint investigates the rising popularity of nicotine pouches, espe...

Beyond Pulmonary Vein Isolation

Catheter ablation has become an integral part of the management of atrial fibril...

Representativeness in Pragmatic Clinical Trials

This JAMA Viewpoint explores the potential of pragmatic clinical trials to impro...

Interstate Telemedicine in the Courtroom

To the Editor The use of telecommunications by patients and physicians to reduce...

Tenofovir and Hepatitis B Virus Transmission During Pre...

This noninferiority randomized clinical trial investigates whether administering...

Interstate Telemedicine in the Courtroom—Reply

In Reply Mr Kels and I agree on many things, including that telemedicine has a l...

How Hospitals Can Incorporate Early Warning Scores for ...

This Medical News article is an interview with Dana P. Edelson, MD, MS, an exper...


I found the lump the month my mother outlived my grandmother shy of her 52nd bir...

Oral Antibiotics and Cutaneous Adverse Drug Reactions—R...

In Reply We agree with Dr Porebski that when assessing drug hypersensitivity rea...

“I wuz here”: Training the Eye in Poetry and Medicine

Many medical schools offer courses designed to “train the eye,” bringing student...

Tranexamic Acid and Blood Transfusion in Liver Resectio...

In Reply We would like to thank Mr Liu and colleagues for their interest in our ...

Invisible Me

In this narrative medicine essay, an infectious diseases physician who is immuno...

Patient Information: Community-Acquired Pneumonia

This JAMA Patient Page describes community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) and its risk...

Lost Generations

A professor enjoys several advantages not granted to lesser mortals. For one thi...

Error in Introductory Prevalence Data

In the Research Letter titled “Florida’s Red Flag Gun Law and Firearm and Nonfir...

Adhesive and Conductive Fibrous Hydrogel Bandages for E...

Advanced Healthcare Materials, EarlyView.

Masquelet Inspired in Vivo Engineered Extracellular Mat...

Advanced Healthcare Materials, EarlyView.

Universal Hydrogel Carrier Enhances Bone Graft Success:...

Advanced Healthcare Materials, EarlyView.

Multifunctional Microflowers for Precise Optoacoustic L...

Advanced Healthcare Materials, EarlyView.

3D Mechanical Response Stem Cell Complex Repairs Spinal...

Advanced Healthcare Materials, EarlyView.

Microneedle Array‐Based Dermal Interstitial Fluid Biops...

Advanced Healthcare Materials, EarlyView.

Engineered Cell Membrane‐Coated Keratin Nanoparticles A...

Advanced Healthcare Materials, EarlyView.

Bioengineering Strategies for Treating Neointimal Hyper...

Advanced Healthcare Materials, EarlyView.

Photothermal‐Driven α‐Amylase‐Modified Polydopamine Pot...

Advanced Healthcare Materials, EarlyView.

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