Morning Docket: 03.21.25
* Slaughter & May in trouble for eating candy in the courtroom. [Roll on Friday] * "Pivot to video" strikes the federal courts as Judge VanDyke puts out an 18-minute Ninth Circuit dissent video of him playing with all his guns. [National Law Journal] * HSF fined for violating Russia sanctions. [Guardian] * Irell attorneys sanctioned for tricking deponent with altered document. [ABA Journal] * This is going to be a shock to you, but the Trump administration failed to follow a court order. [Reuters] * Argentine leader's radical libertarian respect for property rights apparently doesn't extend to paying legal debts. [Bloomberg Law News] * InfoWars is still languishing in bankruptcy. [Law360] The post Morning Docket: 03.21.25 appeared first on Above the Law.

* Slaughter & May in trouble for eating candy in the courtroom. [Roll on Friday]
* “Pivot to video” strikes the federal courts as Judge VanDyke puts out an 18-minute Ninth Circuit dissent video of him playing with all his guns. [National Law Journal]
* HSF fined for violating Russia sanctions. [Guardian]
* Irell attorneys sanctioned for tricking deponent with altered document. [ABA Journal]
* This is going to be a shock to you, but the Trump administration failed to follow a court order. [Reuters]
* Argentine leader’s radical libertarian respect for property rights apparently doesn’t extend to paying legal debts. [Bloomberg Law News]
* InfoWars is still languishing in bankruptcy. [Law360]
The post Morning Docket: 03.21.25 appeared first on Above the Law.