DS Smith: last-mile delivery costs continue to rise across Europe
Retail Times publishes international & UK retail news covering products, data, tech, packaging, people, research, comment and more besides! DS Smith, an International Paper company, and leading international fibre-based and sustainable packaging provider, has launched the Last-Mile Delivery: the Future Unpacked, and the report findings which are based on survey research among five-hundred-and- fifty decision makers, reveals how e-commerce businesses across the United Kingdom and Europe are witnessing last-mile delivery cost increases of up to 90% The respondents were […] If you want more information Retail Times get in touch! Retail Times - Retail Times | Retail News | Free Retail News

Retail Times publishes international & UK retail news covering products, data, tech, packaging, people, research, comment and more besides!
DS Smith, an International Paper company, and leading international fibre-based and sustainable packaging provider, has launched the Last-Mile Delivery: the Future Unpacked, and the report findings which are based on survey research among five-hundred-and- fifty decision makers, reveals how e-commerce businesses across the United Kingdom and Europe are witnessing last-mile delivery cost increases of up to 90% The respondents were […]
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