QOTD: What's Your Favorite Car Web Site?
We lost a good group of car Web sites last week . Or will be losing them, anyway, come April 1. This follows a radical change to Autoblog last fall.

We lost a good group of car Web sites last week. Or will be losing them, anyway, come April 1.
This follows a radical change to Autoblog last fall.
So, at the risk of a bit of humiliation and embarrassment, I have to ask -- where do you guys go to get your car news?
In addition to what we find internally, I check out all the big sites we compete with -- The Drive, Jalopnik, The Autopian, and more. I also peruse the buff books, the consumer sites like Cars.com, and the big newspapers. And Automotive News, but of course. There's others, too.
I hope, of course, that we're always on your daily-read list. But we know you skim around. So who else are you dancing with?
Or are we your true one and only?
Sound off below.
[Image: fizkes/Shutterstock.com]
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