Morning Docket: 03.06.25
* Law firm retreats make good business sense. [American Lawyer] * They say no one wins a trade war, but lawyers can do pretty well. [Bloomberg Law News] * Judge clamps down on pro hac admissions for "frequent practitioners" in the district. The Northern District of Texas? Is there some reason why tons of lawsuits by outsiders keep getting filed there? [ABA Journal] * DOJ nopes out on white collar crime conference. [Law360] * Republican law makers push Musk to use obscure law to continue making budget cuts. Guys, you're elected legislators with control of both chambers... you actually control spending! [Roll Call] * UK bracing for rise in pro se AI hallucinations. [LegalCheek] * Bondi threatens to strip ABA of law school accreditation power. [Reuters] The post Morning Docket: 03.06.25 appeared first on Above the Law.

* Law firm retreats make good business sense. [American Lawyer]
* They say no one wins a trade war, but lawyers can do pretty well. [Bloomberg Law News]
* Judge clamps down on pro hac admissions for “frequent practitioners” in the district. The Northern District of Texas? Is there some reason why tons of lawsuits by outsiders keep getting filed there? [ABA Journal]
* DOJ nopes out on white collar crime conference. [Law360]
* Republican law makers push Musk to use obscure law to continue making budget cuts. Guys, you’re elected legislators with control of both chambers… you actually control spending! [Roll Call]
* UK bracing for rise in pro se AI hallucinations. [LegalCheek]
* Bondi threatens to strip ABA of law school accreditation power. [Reuters]
The post Morning Docket: 03.06.25 appeared first on Above the Law.