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In Reply We appreciate the opportunity to respond to Dr Mintzker’s thoughtful co...
To the Editor In their excellent research, Dr Palmqvist and colleagues report hi...
This Viewpoint discusses factors associated with the prevalence of obesity world...
To the Editor The recent INTREPID trial demonstrated the feasibility of fever pr...
Advances in antiretroviral therapy (ART) has led to HIV being a manageable and p...
To the Editor The INSPIRE and COMMAND studies provided important insights into t...
Rehabilitation involving cognitive behavioral therapy could help improve functio...
In Reply We appreciate Dr Okazaki’s comments regarding the INTREPID study and th...
This Medical News article is an interview with study author María Villalobos-Que...
This cluster randomized clinical trial compares the effect of a multicomponent i...
Listen to the JAMA Editor’s Summary for an overview and discussion of the import...
A recent study of a large internal medicine residency program found that exposur...
In this narrative medicine essay, a primary care physician learns of her son’s A...
This JAMA Insights explores how considering clinical factors and/or potential ex...
This JAMA Patient Page describes renal cell carcinoma and its risk factors, sign...
I’m sorry I heard the code Stopped my work Rushed to you.
This Viewpoint discusses the racial and ethnic bias of pulse oximetry devices an...
This randomized clinical trial assesses the effect of adjunctive intra-arterial ...
This study examines trends in prescribing and reimbursement for glucagon product...
This Medical News article discusses the ongoing debate about whether the word ca...
This randomized clinical trial assesses whether treatment with oral metformin wi...
Using the American Heart Association’s recently formulated equation for Predicti...
This randomized controlled trial investigates whether an early 8-hour restrictiv...