New ultra-low iridium collaboration is promising major green hydrogen magnification

The acronyms are becoming more intense, with PTE, which stands for porous transport electrodes, the latest one, amid the already tried and trusted proton exchange membrane (PEM) popping up for decades now in the context of platinum group metals (PGMs), which South Africa hosts in the greatest volumes. PEM and now PTE are a reflection of PGM and green hydrogen good fortune, with PTE following an earlier ruthenium breakthrough to ensure supply at an acceptable price of iridium, which, in turn, assures the generation of affordable green hydrogen. Further good news for South Africa arises when fuel cells, which also require PGMs, turn the green hydrogen in net-zero green electricity to power trucks, trains, buses, ships, planes, buildings, factories, mines and mini-grid-served communities.

Feb 17, 2025 - 07:48
New ultra-low iridium collaboration is promising major green hydrogen magnification
The acronyms are becoming more intense, with PTE, which stands for porous transport electrodes, the latest one, amid the already tried and trusted proton exchange membrane (PEM) popping up for decades now in the context of platinum group metals (PGMs), which South Africa hosts in the greatest volumes. PEM and now PTE are a reflection of PGM and green hydrogen good fortune, with PTE following an earlier ruthenium breakthrough to ensure supply at an acceptable price of iridium, which, in turn, assures the generation of affordable green hydrogen. Further good news for South Africa arises when fuel cells, which also require PGMs, turn the green hydrogen in net-zero green electricity to power trucks, trains, buses, ships, planes, buildings, factories, mines and mini-grid-served communities.