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Just as a skilled chef understands that each dish requires a unique blend of spi...
[Sponsored] Looking to boost your bottom line in 2025? These methods have produc...
Stagnant partner compensation systems may be to blame for this new trend. The po...
The real question is: how do we effectuate lasting change? The post The Fight Fo...
Anyone who wants can hijack the official website. Super geniuses at wor...
[Sponsored] Reach out to continue the conversation on how to most effectively de...
Good luck trying to get any work done today! The post Philadelphia Law Firms All...
He's in class! He's out of there! He's in class! He's out of there! Ad infinitum...
A little reminder to live everyday as a felon. The post Donald Trump Actually Hu...
Can't blame Musk for this one. The post Trump’s Lawyers Burn Down DOJ In Bonfire...
Experts are not only useful for the testimony or reports they provide, but about...
* It seems significant that every DOJ official who's actually seen the evidence...
From the super-duper-ultra-vires dept The post At Last, DOGE And Musk Are Finall...
Each weekday, we select a short list of news articles and commentary related to ...
Delaware’s Rocky Year–What Lies Ahead? Posted by Mark E. McDonald, Roger A. Coop...
Boards will seek to minimize their legal and regulatory risks, particularly cons...
For the Balkinization symposium on Zachary Price, Constitutional Symmetry: Judgi...
We really enjoy working with you. The post We Love Our Advertisers appeared firs...
They Might Not Get Arrested, But Their Career Won't Develop: Bobloblaw-inspired...
Fighting the good fight. The post Elite Litigation Boutique Doing Its Part To Pr...
When Above the Law usually talks about a group of over 2,000+ lawyers getting to...
Instead of letting AI do the walking and talking, let’s fire up those neurons an...
Associates are eagerly awaiting news of the next salary increase. The post NYC B...
Goldstein took a gamble with a new legal team and it paid off. The post Tom Gold...