Evolutionary origin of lubricated joints at the dawn of jawed vertebrates
by J. Gage Crump The evolutionary origin of the lubricated joints that allow our interconnected skeleton to swivel, rotate, and bend has remained a mystery. A new comparative study of joints in PLOS Biology points to lubricated joints arising in the earliest jawed vertebrates. The evolutionary origin of the lubricated joints that allow our interconnected skeleton to swivel, rotate, and bend has remained a mystery. This Primer explores a new comparative study of joints in PLOS Biology which points to lubricated joints arising in the earliest jawed vertebrates.
by J. Gage Crump The evolutionary origin of the lubricated joints that allow our interconnected skeleton to swivel, rotate, and bend has remained a mystery. A new comparative study of joints in PLOS Biology points to lubricated joints arising in the earliest jawed vertebrates. The evolutionary origin of the lubricated joints that allow our interconnected skeleton to swivel, rotate, and bend has remained a mystery. This Primer explores a new comparative study of joints in PLOS Biology which points to lubricated joints arising in the earliest jawed vertebrates.