Who’s Who in Defense: Donald Norcross, Ranking Member, HASC’s Tactical Air and Land Forces Subcommittee (TAL)
Congressman Norcross is the Ranking Member of the House Armed Services Committee’s Tactical Air and Land Forces Subcommittee (TAL), with legislative jurisdiction over specific accounts and programs within the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, National Guard and Reserve.

Ranking Member, HASC’s Tactical Air and Land Forces Subcommittee (TAL)
U.S. Representative Donald Norcross, D-1st District,
New Jersey
Congressman Norcross is the Ranking Member of the House Armed Services Committee’s Tactical Air and Land Forces Subcommittee (TAL), with legislative jurisdiction over specific accounts and programs within the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, National Guard and Reserve. Each year, TAL submits its budget and program requests for consideration under the annual National Defense Authorization Act.
Stated Priorities
- “Sponsored the Jobs and Childcare for Military Families Act, the Care Packages for Our Heroes Act, the BRAVE Act, and the Veterans Freedom of Healthcare Act, among others.
- Actively promotes the five military bases throughout New Jersey, calling them “strategic to national security.”
- Takes an active stance against any reduction of Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid benefits, saying “taking care of our seniors and veterans is not wasteful, it is our duty.”
- Helped draft the National Apprenticeship Act. Passed by the House in 2021, it’s aimed at furthering educational opportunities and career pathways nationwide, and is administered jointly between the Department of Education and Department of Labor. Earlier in his career, Norcross benefitted from a similar apprenticeship program, saying: “It shaped my life, laying the foundation for me to go from construction work to Congress.”
In February, 2025, Norcross released the following statement in response to the Army’s proposed Aviation Modernization strategy: “Rotary wing aircraft have been a backbone of the U.S. military for generations, and they continue to serve each branch in different combat and logistics capacities around the world. Capable, affordable helicopters are essential to the foundation of the joint force of the future. With the Army’s modernization strategy announcement, the need to support, maintain, and invest in our rotary wing aircraft industrial base becomes even more critical. I am encouraged to hear that the Army has plans to commit the CH-47 F Block II helicopter to production with work at Ridley Park, PA, which will preserve important manufacturing jobs that South Jerseyans and others throughout our region rely on. This management of risk in our industrial base allows us to ensure we can project power and provide support around the world.”
Served on HASC since 2015. Also serves on:
- Seapower and Projection Forces Subcommittee, with oversight of specific Navy and Marine Corps acquisition programs, Air Force programs and certain Army programs related to waterborne vessels.
- Health, Employment, Labor, and Pensions Subcommittee, and the Subcommittee on Higher Education and Workforce Development.
- Co-founded the Labor Caucus (2020), and the bipartisan Building Trades Caucus.
Political/Business Career
- Served in the U.S. House since 2015, representing New Jersey District 1, which encompasses Camden and Cherry Hill, NJ.
- New Jersey State Senator (2010-2014).
- An electrician by trade, Norcross became Labor Leader for the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 351, and later, president of the Southern New Jersey AFL-CIO, advocating on workers’ behalf for more than 20 years.
- Camden County College – graduated with an A.S. degree in 1979.
- Graduate of the Registered Apprenticeship Program of the Department of Labor.
- Born December 13, 1958, Norcross grew up in South Jersey. He’s married to Andrea Doran, an echocardiographer. They live in Camden City and have three grown children and several grandchildren.