M&S announces biggest investment in retail pay
Retail Times publishes international & UK retail news covering products, data, tech, packaging, people, research, comment and more besides! Marks & Spencer has today announced a £95m investment in its retail pay offer. This is the biggest investment M&S has made in its retail pay offer and third consecutive increase since Stuart Machin became CEO in 2022, despite new cost pressures from the Government. From 1 April, the rate of pay for UK Customer […] If you want more information Retail Times get in touch! Retail Times - Retail Times | Retail News | Free Retail News

Retail Times publishes international & UK retail news covering products, data, tech, packaging, people, research, comment and more besides!
Marks & Spencer has today announced a £95m investment in its retail pay offer. This is the biggest investment M&S has made in its retail pay offer and third consecutive increase since Stuart Machin became CEO in 2022, despite new cost pressures from the Government. From 1 April, the rate of pay for UK Customer […]
If you want more information Retail Times get in touch! Retail Times - Retail Times | Retail News | Free Retail News