Interim DC US Atty Ed Martin Harassing Rep. Vindman Now For … Does It Even Matter?
The guy is dedicated to the bit. The post Interim DC US Atty Ed Martin Harassing Rep. Vindman Now For … Does It Even Matter? appeared first on Above the Law.

“Eagle” Ed Martin strikes again! The Interim US Attorney for DC is really getting the hang of this whole prosecutor thing. Apparently it involves taking tips from internet randos, then sending nasty letters demanding that liberals explain themselves RIGHT NOW, MISTER!
Martin has already achieved stunning success with Operation Whirlwind, his investigation of “threats” against public officials. He fired off a goobergram to Senator Chuck Schumer five minutes before the statute of limitations on the offending comments expired. Then he hollered at Rep. Robert Garcia for calling Elon Musk a dick.
Last week, he got spanked on FIRST AMENDMENT HOW DOES IT GO by Dean William Treanor at Georgetown University Law Center.
He reportedly tried and failed to get Main Justice to bite on a grand jury to go after Senator Schumer, so now he’s consoling himself by bothering Rep. Eugene Vindman, who along with his twin brother Alex rose to prominence during President Trump’s first impeachment.
The Washington Post reports that Martin sent a harassing letter to the Democratic Congressman about a business the brothers ran before “Dear Eugene” was elected to represent VA-07. The enterprise was reported breathlessly in October by the New York Post, and Rep. Vindman has made no secret of his involvement with Trident Support, LLC, which “focused on helping bring technology to Ukraine and building capacity in Ukraine so they can win this conflict.”
“The Congressman investigated heinous war crimes committed by Russia in Ukraine while working with Georgetown under the Atrocity Crimes Advisory Group with the State Department,” Rep. Vindman’s spokesperson Amanda Farnan told the Post. “This is just a far-right conspiracy theory dreamed up by Putin’s favorite mouthpiece, Tucker Carlson.”
But far-right conspiracy theories are very much Ed Martin’s bag. The “stop the steal” lawyer is currently investigating his own staff after a purge of prosecutors who worked on January 6 cases, and he recently reposted a wholly concocted rumor that Alex Vindman, along with Susan Rice, Antony Blinken, and Victoria Neuland, had secretly advised Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to “reject Trump’s deal in violation of the Logan Act.”
As the Post notes, Martin has enlisted an assistant dick-waggler by the name of James “Clayton” Cromer, who reached out multiple times to the congressman before being told to back TF off by Rep. Vindman’s counsel Eugene Fidell, “since your inquiry is transparently part and parcel of a pattern of political retaliation against those who played a role in the first of President Trump’s impeachments and/or who are now engaged in oversight work to hold the executive branch of government accountable for what appears to be unlawful and/or unconstitutional policies.” Also there’s that whole pesky thing about harassing people who are represented by counsel.
One more quote from this amazing Post story:
The letters are styled as voluntary “letters of inquiry” — not compulsory legal demands — and often bear signs of haste such as wrong addresses, typographic errors, or, in Vindman’s case, a failure to state a deadline for a reply, writing instead only, “Please respond by day, month, date, 2025.”
So perfesh!
D.C. U.S. attorney targets Ukraine whistleblower Rep. Vindman [WaPo]
The post Interim DC US Atty Ed Martin Harassing Rep. Vindman Now For … Does It Even Matter? appeared first on Above the Law.