Glossing the Foreign Affairs Constitution
For the Balkinization Symposium on Curtis A. Bradley, Historical Gloss and Foreign Affairs: Constitutional Authority in Practice (Harvard University Press, 2024).Curtis BradleyIn my new book, Historical Gloss and Foreign Affairs: Constitutional Authority in Practice, I document how the U.S. constitutional law of foreign affairs has been shaped over time by the practices and interactions of Congress and the executive branch. These practices, the book explains, have “glossed” the meaning of the Constitution’s text and structure—and this has been true since the very beginning of the country. As the book documents, the political branches have filled in and clarified constitutional meaning, on issues ranging from the recognition of foreign governments, to the conclusion of executive agreements, to the use of military force. In addition to providing examples of foreign affairs authority that have been glossed through practice, the book situates the historical gloss approach to constitutional interpretation within broader debates about constitutional theory. I am deeply grateful to the participants in this online symposium for their engagement with the book, and to Jack Balkin for hosting it. The commentators are all terrific scholars, and they are methodologically and ideologically diverse in their perspectives. I cannot do justice in this post to their thoughtful reflections, so instead I will just touch on a few points. (For a broader description of the book and what it seeks to accomplish, readers might also be interested in the five posts that I wrote on the Volokh Conspiracy site on the eve of the book’s release.) My Descriptive Account The contributors to this symposium largely accept the book’s descriptive claim—that historical gloss is and always has been a significant component of constitutional reasoning in the foreign affairs area. It started in the George Washington administration and has never stopped. (Julian Mortenson makes a strong argument that gloss’s roots are much deeper and can be found in pre-Founding British practice, a possibility that merits further study.) As the book shows, historical gloss has been a consistent staple of constitutional argumentation and interpretation in the executive branch, Congress, and the courts, and not only in the foreign affairs area. In many ways, gloss serves a role akin to judicial precedent, except that the precedent is principally coming from outside the courts. Taking this non-judicial precedent into account yields a much richer portrait of our constitutional law. As Justice Frankfurter observed, “It is an inadmissibly narrow conception of American constitutional law to confine it to the words of the Constitution and to disregard the gloss which life has written upon them.” Instead of contesting the history, the commentary primarily focuses on methodological and normative issues, some of which are discussed in the book. Before considering those issues, I would note that the book’s descriptive claim likely has some normative significance: that is, the prevalence of gloss-based reasoning—throughout our constitutional history, across partisan divides, and in all three branches of government—is suggestive of its utility. The foreign affairs provisions of our Constitution have never been formally amended in the more than 230 years of our constitutional history, but during that time both the nation and the world have experienced monumental changes that could not have been envisioned by the Founders. Reliance on historical gloss has allowed for needed flexibility and adaptation in our constitutional system, and this helps explain its consistent appeal. Methodological Issues Turning to methodological considerations, Mike Ramsey raises excellent questions about how historical gloss and other sorts of post-Founding historical materials relate to originalism. As Ramsey notes, the Supreme Court is struggling with these questions in a variety of contexts, not just in foreign affairs. As I indicate in the book, I believe that reliance on historical gloss is most defensible in the context of the separation of powers—a context in which courts often maintain a low profile and in which the political branches themselves have some capacity to bargain and work out accommodations over time. Very different issues are presented by invocations of historical materials in other contexts, such as with respect to individual rights—a topic that I intend to write about in future work. Even in the context of the separation of powers, Mike suggests, and I agree, that historical gloss interacts with other modalities of interpretation, such that the strength of the historical materials required for gloss likely varies depending on the strength of other interpretive considerations, such as the text, original understandings, and structural inferences. This last point provides a partial answer to Dick Fallon’s philosophical reflections on gloss. As the book makes clear, gloss does not opera
Curtis Bradley
In my new book, Historical Gloss and Foreign Affairs: Constitutional Authority in Practice, I document how the U.S. constitutional law of foreign affairs has been shaped over time by the practices and interactions of Congress and the executive branch. These practices, the book explains, have “glossed” the meaning of the Constitution’s text and structure—and this has been true since the very beginning of the country. As the book documents, the political branches have filled in and clarified constitutional meaning, on issues ranging from the recognition of foreign governments, to the conclusion of executive agreements, to the use of military force. In addition to providing examples of foreign affairs authority that have been glossed through practice, the book situates the historical gloss approach to constitutional interpretation within broader debates about constitutional theory.
To say that it is not quite right to define gloss in law-altering terms does not mean that constitutional understandings can never change as a result of gloss. They can, and the book documents a number of changes in understandings with respect to foreign affairs authority. As the book notes, this can be viewed as a form of what has been termed “constitutional construction.” That is, the constitutional text can be seen as leaving open interpretive space that gloss can fill in over time (Larry Solum describes this construction as “the determination of legal effect,” but there are also other formulations), and in some instances that space might be filled in one way for a time and then filled in differently as conditions shift. How much space there is for such construction can of course be debated, and the inquiry is complicated by the fact that textual interpretation is itself likely affected by practice.