Energy & Water

A Focus On 1.5ºC May Be The Wrong Way To Frame The Clim...

The climate debate focuses on certain temperature increases, but one scientist s...

New Study: Carbon Capture Is A Waste Of Money, & Counte...

It’s an easy argument to understand and to make: yes, we need more clean energy,...

PHEV Sales In South Africa Were Up 100% In 2024

South Africa has a decently sized new vehicle sales market. In 2024, just over h...

Trump Attacks Electric Vehicles, GM Claps Back With Bla...

Trump is likely to kill the federal tax credit for electric vehicles, but automa...

Kabisa Enables Commercial EV Adoption in East Africa by...

The new fast-charging hub can power up entire fleets of vehicles in minutes, set...

Is Tesla Musk’s “Bus That Couldn’t Slow Down”?

For those of us who were kids and watched action movies in the 1990s, things can...

MI5 investigates use of Chinese green technology in UK

Concern has grown at Beijing’s potential hold on strategic assets

The 5 hectic weeks that will define Thames Water’s future

Key dates are looming for the UK’s biggest water company

In Situ High‐Temperature Phase Elucidation of Secondary...

Advanced Energy Materials, EarlyView.

Constructing Compact Hybrid Buffer Interface via Ion Ag...

Advanced Energy Materials, EarlyView.

Supramolecular Interaction‐Driven Amorphization of Poly...

Advanced Energy Materials, EarlyView.

Unveiling the Mechanism of Mn Dissolution Through a Dyn...

Advanced Energy Materials, EarlyView.

Xpeng G6 — More Tech Than a Tesla?

Xpeng launched in Australia in Sydney two months ago. The cars are now making th...

EU Policymakers Urged to Stick with Ambitious Targets f...

T&E and other organizations release a joint statement calling on the European Pa...

Electric Mini — Fun Driving

One of my most enjoyable memories of the ’70s was driving my Mini Cooper S aroun...

The Journey to Electrical Self-Sufficiency within Strata

We have met Robert Nicol and his car Scarlet before. He told me recently about h...

Ford, GM, & Other Automakers Pushing to Keep US EV Tax ...

As I just wrote, the wheels are now in motion to kill the US EV tax credit (or, ...

Republicans in Congress Want to Put $1,000 Tax on EVs, ...

There’s a full assault on cleantech going on in the White House again. It’s iron...

New Mexico’s First Community Solar Project Breaks Ground

In a milestone for renewable energy in the Land of Enchantment, Affordable Solar...

Stockpickers: BP joins a list of market stalwarts that...

Company rebrands often fail to win over investors

Guidelines For Registered Apprenticeship Programs For T...

In a major step toward strengthening the renewable energy workforce, the US Depa...

Texas County Declares an Emergency Over Toxic Fertilizer

Johnson County is seeking federal assistance, saying its farmland has become dan...

Interview With Flux Carbon Founder Sam Davies

Q: What was your journey that lead you to become the founder of Flux Carbon? Sam...

Lucid CEO Says What I Said A Decade Ago — Give Us Less ...

Okay, “give us less range!” is not what Lucid Motors CEO Peter Rawlinson said. H...

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