QOTD: Should Fleet Managers Have Direct Vehicle Control?

As someone who once earned money delivering auto parts, I felt myself getting chills, and not in the good way, editing Matt's post on Ford's plans to give fleet owners more remote control over their vehicles. I'd have hated this during my time schlepping brake rotors across Aurora, Illinois in well-maintained older Ford Rangers and beat-up old Chevrolet S-10s.

Mar 6, 2025 - 23:39
QOTD: Should Fleet Managers Have Direct Vehicle Control?

As someone who once earned money delivering auto parts, I felt myself getting chills, and not in the good way, editing Matt's post on Ford's plans to give fleet owners more remote control over their vehicles.

I'd have hated this during my time schlepping brake rotors across Aurora, Illinois in well-maintained older Ford Rangers and beat-up old Chevrolet S-10s.

I mean, from management's perspective, I get it. These new technologies probably could save money, and some drivers do perform poorly and could get busted for, say, grabbing a beer instead of delivering the product.

On the other hand, as a former delivery driver, I'd have not liked it much if my boss got alerts even for the most minor violations of the speed limit or limited my top speed. I'd have been annoyed if my vehicle ratted me out for swinging through a drive-thru to get a soda. Not all of these abilities were in Matt's piece, I am just thinking out loud.

One thing that WAS in Matt's piece was an acceleration limiter. Imagine trying to limit how fast already-lumbering fleet vehicles can accelerate in Chicago traffic. It's almost as if the bosses want their drivers to be receiving the middle finger. Or worse.

So, I ask of you -- is this a legit way that bosses can make sure employees are being productive and the company isn't overspending, or is it too creepy and invasive?

Sound off below.

[Image: Ford]

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