Moderate Li⁺-Solvent Binding for Gel Polymer Electrolytes with Stable Cycling toward Lithium Metal Batteries
Energy Environ. Sci., 2025, Accepted ManuscriptDOI: 10.1039/D4EE05866F, PaperShaojie Zhang, Zhongpeng Li, Yixin Zhang Zhang, Xuanpeng Wang, Pei-Yang Dong, Saihai Lei, Weihao Zeng, Juan Wang, Xiaobin Liao, Xingye Chen, Dongqi Li, Shichun MuSolvation chemistry is crucial for gel polymer electrolytes (GPEs) due to great impact on ionic conductivity and solid electrolyte interface (SEI) properties. However, its rational regulation to balance fast Li⁺...The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry
DOI: 10.1039/D4EE05866F, Paper
Solvation chemistry is crucial for gel polymer electrolytes (GPEs) due to great impact on ionic conductivity and solid electrolyte interface (SEI) properties. However, its rational regulation to balance fast Li⁺...
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry