Dutch F-35As Shoot Down Target Drones with AIM-9X Sidewinders Over Baltic Sea
During an exercise with the Estonian Air Force, two RLAF F-35s employed AIM-9 Sidewinder air-to-air missiles to shoot down a number of target drones over the Baltic Sea. In an exceedingly rare exercise, two F-35As of the RNLAF (Royal Netherlands Air Force) shot down an unidentified number of target drones over the Baltic Sea using […] The post Dutch F-35As Shoot Down Target Drones with AIM-9X Sidewinders Over Baltic Sea appeared first on The Aviationist.

During an exercise with the Estonian Air Force, two RLAF F-35s employed AIM-9 Sidewinder air-to-air missiles to shoot down a number of target drones over the Baltic Sea. In an exceedingly rare exercise, two F-35As of the RNLAF (Royal Netherlands Air Force) shot down an unidentified number of target drones over the Baltic Sea using […]
The post Dutch F-35As Shoot Down Target Drones with AIM-9X Sidewinders Over Baltic Sea appeared first on The Aviationist.