Character.AI is testing games on its desktop and mobile web apps to boost engagement, available to paid subscribers and a limited set of users on its free plan (Ivan Mehta/TechCrunch)

Ivan Mehta / TechCrunch: Character.AI is testing games on its desktop and mobile web apps to boost engagement, available to paid subscribers and a limited set of users on its free plan  —  Character AI, a startup that lets users chat with different AI-powered characters, is now testing games on its desktop …

Jan 18, 2025 - 15:21
Character.AI is testing games on its desktop and mobile web apps to boost engagement, available to paid subscribers and a limited set of users on its free plan (Ivan Mehta/TechCrunch)

Ivan Mehta / TechCrunch:
Character.AI is testing games on its desktop and mobile web apps to boost engagement, available to paid subscribers and a limited set of users on its free plan  —  Character AI, a startup that lets users chat with different AI-powered characters, is now testing games on its desktop …

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